
November 19, 2008

Insurance Policy

So I have decided that we are going to take part in a core blood storage program. This is a new thing, and up to very recently, the list of things that core blood could remedy was fairly light...but now, even some forms of cancer can be cured with core blood. See some videos here.

This is neat science, and a chance for Abby to have an insurance policy against some genetic diseases that could be treatable.
You know, I hope that I am throwing away money...I hope that we never ever see any return of investments. I hope that I look back and realize that there are hundreds...thousands of dollars that I simply give away so someone can have this insurance policy ready. I will know though, I won't have a life altering "coulda shoulda" moment down the road.

Isn't that the wish for all insurance policies...that its wasted cash...?

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