
November 19, 2008

A Little Practice Session :)

So yesterday afternoon I am sitting at work and I start to feel uncomfortable. It is expected at this stage, so I keep working. The uncomfortableness does not get any better. I feel like I need to pop my upper back. As it worsens, I become short of breath and begin to get really hot. I squirmed around in my chair, walked around the office, used the restroom and nothing seemed to help.

I called my girlfriend Andrea asking is this what it feels like when she kicks me in the ribs. Not thinking, I realize the tall Andrea probably had a mansion with lots of room for her daughter. I can only offer a small studio apartment. Having a short waisted Mom is no fun for Abby Lu. Andrea did recommend I try laying down to get her to move. I went down to my car (thinking laying on my office floor would be gross and may become my permanent locale) and laid across the back seat. Nothing. I then got in the driver's seat and reclined trying to stretch out my torso. No go.

So, I became that pregnant lady and called my doctor. The nurse told me she could not diagnose me over the phone and to come to the office for peace of mind. I went there quickly and called poor Marcus who must have ran out of his office and sped the whole way there because he showed up within minutes of me. The PA checked me out, confirmed the baby's heartbeat was good and hooked me up to the monitor to measure contractions. As expected, I did not have any contractions and my body did not show any signs of moving toward labor.

I felt much better after about 20 minutes and know that if it happens again that it is not reason to be alarmed, the baby is okay. Since I was there, this appointment replaced my scheduled appointment for Friday. Our next appointment will be in the month of December!

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