
November 03, 2008

Take A Guess....

I have created an online poll where you can place your guess as to when Abby Lu will arrive, what she will weigh and how long or short she will be! Just click on the orange ExpectNet banner on the right and give it your best shot. We'll be sure to announce the big winner after she comes.

Some things to help you decide:
  • Both Marcus and I were of average size when born- around 7 pounds.
  • If height comes from parents, I am 5'3" and Marcus is 5'10".
  • I am measuring one week early although I have heard conflicting reports about what exactly that means.
  • My hips and lower back hurt most of the day. I have been told that could mean she is coming early.
  • I have had no signs of early labor so far.
  • I have had "practice" contractions twice- both times they were very mild.
  • I currently have no plans to do any of the things recommended to start labor early.
  • Unless medically needed, my doctor does not plan to induce until December 29th.


  1. I will guess at the beginning of December!!

    Less than 2 months to go!! Yippee!! :)

  2. Ouch, I guessed high for weight! This is not what I am hoping for...
