
November 03, 2008

Week 33: She's a Pineapple Now!

7 weeks or just 50 days to go! I remember being so excited when I had less than 200 and then less than 100 days to go!

This weekend I worked on my scrapbook tracking our infertility, IVF and pregnancy. I was way behind and did the page where we found out we were pregnant. It amazes me how much the Lord has done for us this year. I am humbled by His love of my family, the care He has taken over my body, and the joy He has given my marriage through all of this. I can't wait to meet His creation, our daughter.

from Baby Center:

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

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