
December 23, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Cohen

Happy Birthday Cohen!

We saw Cohen on Sunday to celebrate Christmas and got to check out his new hairdo- a buzz cut that is the result of him finding a razor in the bathroom and deciding to give himself a reverse mohawk. He shaved off a strip in the middle of his head. Quite funny!

Today is also my official due date and I would have loved to have Abby Lu share her birthday with Cohen. My sister and I share the same birthday 4 years apart, so it would have been cool for our kids to also share. No such luck!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you! Hang in there... the days will seem to drag on from this point because you have hung your patience on a due date... in another week, you will look back on this and smile as you gaze into your babies eyes.

    Due date? That will long be forgotten. You'll have a new date to focus your attention on.

    Hugs and Merry Christmas!
