
December 24, 2008

Week 40: Yep, Still Pregnant

First I'm told pregnancy is 10 months and not nine and now you tell me that you can go beyond 40 weeks. To top it off, my little blog ticker on the right proclaims, "It's go time." Thanks little ticker, I HAD NO IDEA! Don't I look miserable! I went to the doctor this morning without any makeup or washing my hair hoping they would feel sorry for me. No such luck.

I have progressed to 2 cm dilated and stayed at 50% effaced. It looks like 12/29 is very likely. In some ways, it seems like forever from now and in other ways, I can't believe the baby we have dreamed off will be here in 5 days.

Here is a view of me standing up to show you my new shoes! ha! Marcus thought that would be funny. I am just happy I was able to wear shoes. I have only left the house once since Friday and it was for a pedicure, so I was in flip flops. My feet are puffy, but they do fit into shoes.

All was well at the doctor- good heartrate for baby and good blood pressure and weight for Mommy.


  1. Merry Christmas Anna and Marcus! The anticipation of meeting Abby Lu must be hard, but try to enjoy this Christmas. And just imagine - next year you're going to have a beautiful little girl celebrating along with you!!!

  2. I thought about you a lot yesterday ... I told Bryan I was going to check your blog as soon as I could!!

    I can't wait to see pictures of you, marcus and baby Abby LU!!!
