
December 19, 2008

The last few comments...

People, Please be aware that during this holiday season, we are at a baby threat level Red. This means that an imminent baby event is going to happen this holiday season. We recommend that all travelers have their personal luggage checked and rechecked in the event of a urgent situation. Remember, we can be ready, or we can be freaked right out.

So Anna has been the blog heavy one for a while, but I wanted to chip in some nuggets from the past few months.

Cold. So cold. Im wrapped in flannel and slippers under the comforter at night, and she is sweating with no covers. My deepest apologies to those that I have frozen out before.

She ate burgers and Chinese. let's see if that trend continues.

BTW people, burping, gas, and using the bathroom a bunch is pretty much a usual for guys. Sorry we can't have more sympathy for preggers people. Its just a daily thing for us.

I have complete sympathy for pregnancy brain. (not that Anna went loopy or anything, but there were a couple of "huh?" moments. I attribute it to the preggers brain.) Having something kick you and move all the time is freaky. I grew up watching the Alien movies. uh uh.

I'm not to freaked about those 'hanging out at 3am feedings". Mainly because some of the best raids happen at this time. Its also the easiest time to quest. You can also play WOW with one hand, and hold something in the other.

Fun times!

1 comment:

  1. you be sure and let us know how far you advance in quest during those 3 a.m. feedings...
