
December 18, 2008

Week 39: Doctor Appt Update

Today's doctor's appointment went very well. I was told that my iron counts were almost normal and if I just keep taking my iron I should not need anything special at birth- yea! I also did not gain any weight since last week- yea! Abby Lu's heart rate and my blood pressure were all good. I am 50% effaced and 1.5 cm. dilated. It isn't a lot of progress, but it is progress!
The end is near- we were given the special paperwork for if/when I go into labor. It included who to call, what to eat, etc. We talked about the on call doctor for next week since mine has Christmas off. Luckily, I am really not that concerned about who catches my baby, as long as a doctor is there! We also scheduled a week 40 appointment for Christmas Eve and planned our induction. If Abby Lu stays warm and cozy inside me, I will check into the new birthing center at 8:00 PM on December 28th to begin the drugs. Marcus went over to the center and compared it to a nice Holiday Inn. How nice that we get to experience the new hospital!


  1. I got the old wing and it was not that bad, so I imagine the new one is nice. We leave Monday for C-mas, so keep your legs closed till after C-mas!
    your word verification (below) today is nonut!

  2. YAY!! How exciting. Continuing to keep y'all all in our prayers!

  3. Well my guess is now officially wrong!! I wanna guess again ... dec. 25th or 26th!! I am leaning towards the 25th!! WHat an awesome Christmas present ... whenever she decides to come!!
