
December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to All!

Marcus and I are enjoying a quiet Christmas Day at home. We didn't know where we would be this year or who would be with us, so we kept it very low key. We have a pot roast in the crock pot, a new video game to learn, and a DVR to conquer. It should be a nice quiet day in our pajamas!

Last night we opened presents to aid in sleeping in this morning! Marcus was so thoughtful and bought me the red checkered matching quilt to our bedding. I had wanted it for months and he told me we did not need it, even though it was on clearance! It was a lesson in submission- I didn't fight him on it, but just said okay and let it go. He definitely surprised me with it last night. He also gave me my annual James Avery Christmas charm- called motherhood and featuring Mary and Baby Jesus and a Willow Tree called "A New Life". He felt it transitioned well from the maternity angel Susan gave me this summer.

Marcus also opened his presents last night- Texas Tech washers to match his red and black portable washer boards, some cool Austin-made coasters featuring a few of our favorite Austin restaurants and a Darth Vader golf driver head cover. A little fun for his serious golf game!

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys the gifts of family, friends, good health and presents picked with love!

1 comment:

  1. The motherhood charm is so precious. Having a child gave me a whole new perspective on Christmas and the love Mary and Joseph had for baby Jesus. I bought this charm for myself after Travis stopped nursing to remind me that, as a mother, you'll do anything in the world for your child. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
