
December 12, 2008

One Year Anniversary

One year ago today Marcus and I attended an infertility information session to learn about the world we were about to enter. To my amazement, in many ways, the year has flown. We are so very blessed to be so close to meeting our daughter in just one year's time. For most people, IVF isn't tried the first time around and often doesn't work on the first try.

In a time of thanksgiving, I am so very thankful that the Lord had a plan for my life that was bigger and better than I was able to see at this time last year. The original intention of sharing our infertility story on the blog was to be able to reach out to friends and family and solicit their prayers. I now hear of friends sharing the blog with other friends who are wishing for a child or are expecting after experiencing infertility themselves. Please feel free to share our story with others- I am always open to sharing our experience if it can help others become aware of options, learn about our loving Father, and ultimately see the happy ending which is not always the original ending we had in mind.

On the right side of the blog, you can find our blog labels. I have gone back and labeled all of the infertility posts. This will make the "story" of Abby Lu easier to follow for new readers.

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