
December 12, 2008

Week 38: Dr Appt Update

Yea, uh, that is my big belly. When I first saw this picture this morning, I actually thought, my boobs look small. hehe!

We saw the doctor for our 38 week checkup and here is what she said:

* Blood Pressure is good at 114 over 76

* Weight gain is normal at 26 total pounds, 1 pound since last week

* Heart rate was excellent at 143

And, then Dr. Neyman came in and told me Abby Lu looks to be about 8 pounds. Excuse me, what? Baby Center says normal is around 7 pounds. 8 pounds with 17 days until induction makes we very nervous! At one pound per week normal baby weight gain at this point, I am looking at a baby over 10 pounds!

My body is not progressing toward labor at all, so she is not in favor of induction yet. I did convince her to let me do a sonogram on Monday morning so that Dr. Darby can tell me how big she looks. I don't know what I am hoping for- a small baby that will stay in me longer or confirmation she is big and an induction early next week.

At this point, I am back with Dr. Neyman on Thursday December 18th and we'll see how I have progressed. She does not go straight to c-section unless the sonogram shows a 10 pounder. Wow!

On another note, I was excited to pull out my Christmas shirt today. I think I outgrew it! It is pulling a little tight on my belly. Funny trick though- my shirt is magical because when I sit down, I can hide Santa's hat!


  1. You are all so soon learning that websites and books don't know everything! I had a sonogram a month because they were convinced Landry was going to be big. Her head measured big so that had to mean a big baby....Wrong, just a big head! She was 7 lbs 13 oz. not too bad! Hang on!!!

  2. It is an ADORABLE belly.. silly girl!!
    Keep us posted! Keeping you in our prayers! Little baby!

  3. Don't worry too much about even what Dr. Darby tells you during your sonogram. They told me one week before Owen was born that he was already measuring around 8 pounds. I was like you - totally freaking out b/c by the due date he would have been measuring over 9 pounds. Then when he came out, he was only 7 1/2 lbs. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry yourself too much over it!

  4. You have put Abby Lu in God's hands for 38 weeks. Don't you get arrogant and try to take over. Ha!If it makes you feel better, my 9 lb. 8 oz. baby was-- hands down-- my EASIEST labor and delivery. Go figure. Also, I think you should put a little Christmas tree in the nursery. You could hang booties on it. XOXO, Alison

  5. I sure hope Abby Lue decides to come into the world before christmas day. What a blessed first cute and tiny christmas baby she would be! None the less our prayer is that she is healthy! Waiting for the phone call! You look so cute!!
