
January 02, 2009

Abby Goes to the Pediatrician

This morning we took Abby Lu to the pediatrician for her first doctor's appointment. We chose our doctor back in October after attending a presentation by her practice. They see newborns at 7:45 in the morning to avoid us interacting with older sick kids. We made the appointment and had thought, "Wow, that is early." Ha! We knew better! It was a perfect time.

Dr. Sperling gave her a clean bill of health. No jaundice, no scary weight loss and no problems at all! She answered a couple of questions for us and walked through our next few appointments and their purpose. It was nice- we felt good about our decision to use their practice.

Here are her 4 day old stats:

Weight- 7 lbs. 9 ounces (50 percentile)

Height- 20 1/2 inches (75-90 percentile)
This is less than at birth and is likely attributed to her head changing shape after being born. I don't know where the height comes from. I expect to see it drop off as she grows.

Head Circumference- 35 1/2 cm (50-75 percentile)

We'll visit her again in 2 weeks!

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