
January 02, 2009

Abby's First Bath

I have lots of experience with babies and some experience with newborns, but I have zero experience with sponge bathing a newborn. I was quite nervous- will she catch a cold? How do I calm her if she hates it? What can't get wet again?

Luckily Marcus knew what to do!

Marcus read lots of book throughout my pregnancy and specifically liked reading The Baby Owners Manual which provided very practical advice on how to do various baby care tasks. He had read the bath chapter and pulled the book back out for us to use as a reference.

While I was feeding her, Marcus and Mom prepped the area. Marcus took the lead and I assisted on the bath, referencing the book, checking the water temperature, and watching and learning.

My most important job in the process was calming a very unhappy baby. Marcus did a great job getting her nice and clean, keeping her warm and talking through it all with her. I let her suck on my finger, kissed on her and soothed her screaming little mouth and quivering little lips!

After her bath, I took her to the nursery to diaper and dress her for bed time. Afterward, she was the calmest little baby I have ever seen. She was so chill! I laid her in her bed inside the cupcake boppy and she just sat there with her eyes half open.
Here is a closeup of her sweet little baby face all clean and relaxed!


  1. You are WONDERFUL parents already! I love that her first bath was a team effort (as it should be!) and it brings back to many great memories for me. Travis was a finger sucker too. I just want to kiss Miss Abby Lu's sweet cheeks! So precious. Thanks for letting us share these moments with you.

  2. Such good parents!! You guys are doing a great job. Perhaps you should write a book yourselves...


