
March 02, 2009

Abby's 2 Month Check Up

Today was Abigayle's 2 month checkup with Dr. Sperling. She was once again deemed "perfect" by her doctor. Really, we don't make this stuff up! Dr. Sperling was commenting on her perfectly round head. Yea Daddy for managing tummy time!

Overall, she was given a clean bill of health and is a growing girl. Here are her stats:

Weight: 11 pounds, 14 ounces (76th percentile)

She is up from the 50th percentile in weight at her one month appointment. I will attribute this to the addition of formula and the consistent eating of every 2 hours during the day. She is getting about 35 ounces per day which is the most Dr. Sperling would recommend. We are hoping to increase the amount she gets at each feeding and decrease the number of feedings over the next few weeks.

Height: 23 inches (75th percentile)
She is staying in the "long" category. We have noticed she is getting longer as her newborn clothes with footies don't fit anymore. Most of her other newborn clothes are also going into the top shelf of the closet in the too little pile. We plan to pass them on to another new Mom.

Head: 40 cm (75th percentile)
Her head has grown 1.5 cm in a month. She is definetely fitting more information into the bigger brain. You can see her processing things more- looking at Marcus and I intently, following our hand in front of her face, smiling at toys, etc. I love seeing her wake up and enter our world.

This appointment also involved shots! She received her 2 month vaccines which included 3 shots in her chunky little thighs. Daddy wanted to be her suer hero, so he stood over her and comforted her with her new "I Love Daddy" pacifier. She did great- she yelled when given the shot, but calmed down quickly and is doing fine at home.

She even smiled on her afternoon walk WITH her sunglasses on. No pictures please!

One final picture from our day, while talking to Dr. Sperling with her in my arms, she peed on me! The way I was holding her spread her diaper to one side. Gross!


  1. I have that same pic, but mine was during a photo session.

  2. I can't believe she is already 2 months old!! anna, she just gets prettier and prettier ... Oh i can't wait to hold her!!!
