
March 02, 2009

Meeting Abby's Teacher

These pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they made us laugh. Marcus thinks she looks like a used car salesman pitching a used Corolla in the first one.

Anyway, before Abby's doctor appointment this afternoon we went to her new school and met her teacher. She will go to daycare part time for 2 days and then begin full time on March 30th. Her teacher, Lauren, was very helpful in letting us know what to bring, how her day will go, and what to expect. We went ahead and set up our fingerprints on the security system. It was exciting to know where she will spend so much of her time.

She has an innocent, "who me" look in this one.

A lot of people have asked if I am ready to go back and how I feel about it all. I really am excited to go back to work. I like my job and compared to past jobs, it doesn't take everything out of me where I don't think I'll be a good Mom when I get home. I also know that if I stayed home full time I would spend too much money. I am already getting out of the house too much right now! I also think Abby Lu will benefit from the other kids and the professionals at her school. I know it isn't the right decision for everyone, but I feel good about it for us.

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