
March 15, 2009

Rookie Mistake

Saturday night Marcus and I ventured out for our first dinner party with Abby. We had dinner with our care group from church. Dinner was followed by Rock Star on the PS3/TV.

Abby Lu was wonderful and enjoyed time in the bouncer or slept most of the time. Our rookie mistake was staying out way past our bedtime and discovering that Abby Lu wakes up at 7:30 AM no matter what time you put her down. Luckily Mom was spending the night and took her so we could sleep a little longer. We did miss church however!

It truly is a miracle she slept through the entertainment of the evening. I captured a few pictures of the "band".

Our hostess, Johnna, was on lead vocals for a few songs.

We discovered Marcus is good on the virtual drums. He can play with his hands, tap his feet and even twirl the drumsticks like a pro.

If the singing and playing wasn't enough, look at all of the kids in the house last night! There were 8 kids under the age of about 7. They were running and playing and having a grand time. They even got in bed to watch a movie together.

Overall, we had a wonderful time with our friends and hope to watch Abby Lu grow up around these wonderful families.

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