
March 13, 2009

day with Daddy....

So today Anna has her program.  I am taking off work so I can do the day with Abby.  

The day went fine enough..but a couple of points I have learned...

*When the diaper says "hold 10-12 pounds" they arent kidding.  Those things can't hold more than that.
*Do not eat Buffalo wings and then let the kid suck on your finger before you wash it.
*As a dad with a daughter, plan your potty stops.  Yours.  That means planning coffee consumption.
* When babies are hungry, they are hungry NOW.  Not when you get the chance.  Pulling over to the parking lot is a concerned option.
*People look at a man with a crying baby like they see a person with a bike with a flat tire: "That poor schmuck has no clue or ability to help himself does he?"
* To make Abby happy, all you have do is undress her...taking her pants off made her laugh.  We will be correcting this response in the next few years.
*If I can invent baby socks that can stay on, I will be a billionaire.
*Abby can occupy herself on her activity mat for me to get 7 bullets done on a blog.  Make that 8.

She is going to get fed up any seco....


  1. I will gladly pay you a billion dollars for socks that stay on! I'm tired of walking up and down every aisle of JoAnn's, HEB, Target, etc. looking for the socks that have come off!!

  2. oh the joys, TRUMPETTE socks are the best for outtings. Glad you are having fun!

  3. Contrary to the high school experiment:Babies are not like a bag of flour!

  4. real cute MJ. I liked your 8 bullets!! I'm sorry I'm missing it all! Glad you keep this updated!
