
March 12, 2009

Take Your Daughter to Work Day

I have my first event of 2009 tomorrow here in Austin. Marcus will be home with Abby Lu and I'll be at the hotel Friday and Saturday. Today, I had a meeting with each of the hotel's department heads to go over the event. Abby Lu joined us and had her own personalized tent card for the head of the table!

She is officially the youngest meeting planner!

Before our meeting, we had lunch with our friends Kathy and little Elizabeth. Elizabeth is so sweet and very interested in the baby. She cried when Abby was out of her sight. But, when within reach, she just didn't know what to do with Abby Lu.

BTW, today was the cold day in March I was asking for. Abby Lu wore her Ugg boots! Thank you Mother Nature!

1 comment:

  1. the girls wore their ugg boots today in honor of Abby Lu. I told them she wore hers, so it got them to wear them.
