
April 22, 2009

How Abby Lu Rolls...

Guess what my sweet girl did on Tuesday at school? Yep, at 16 weeks and one day old she ROLLED over! Way to go Abby! She did it twice from back to belly at school, but I haven't seen it yet. I am excited for her and sad for me- I wish I had seen it firsthand.
Her wonderful teacher told us Abby is strong for her age and some of their older kids don't roll back to belly yet. She fully expects Abby Lu to crawl and walk early. I am so proud of her. As I read so many blogs asking for prayer requests as children go in and out of surgery, I praise God that our daughter is healthy, happy and growing as she should.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting!! Cora would roll over in her crib. We wouldn't see her do it; we'd just find her on her back in her crib! Way to go, Abby Lu!
