
April 22, 2009

Our New Bedroom Additions

Doesn't she look tiny! We broke down and bought a new mattress Monday night. We have talked about for months each morning when we both wake up sore! Our super soft pillow top was not good for us. We kept holding off debating upgrading to a king bed, but the investment in a new mattress became new bedding, headboard, etc. etc. We just bought a cheap mattress and will upgrade in the next few years.

We also recently added a treadmill to the bedroom! Yea! My Dad and stepmom are out of town until September so they let us borrow theirs. I love it- I can walk/run for 30 minutes after Abby Lu goes to bed and do it in private with my TV running those girly shows that Marcus doesn't watch. Let's hope I love it long enough to get those baby inches off. I want my full wardrobe available to me again!

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