
May 19, 2009

Great Sleep Progress

Look at this cute little girl WHO PUT HERSELF BACK TO SLEEP twice last night!
Isn't she just fabulous! She awoke at 2:00 AM and 5:15 AM and put herself back to sleep. No bottle, no pat on the back, no sshhing from us. Just a few minutes of talking and the silence as she fell back asleep. We are on night #4 of no bottle in the middle of the night and she is already made it from needing a bottle, to needing comfort, to putting herself down alone.

She has also discovered the ceiling fan and will happily contort her body to glimpse the wonder of spinning blades on the ceiling.


  1. What a cutie! She is growing so fast! Congrats on the sleep training!

  2. You've found another inexpensive toy...the ceiling fan. Those pictures came through on my computer perfectly.

  3. hehe, cheap toys like that are the best!! :)
