
May 18, 2009


When I worked at Keller Williams I lived on sweet tea and Balance bars. I tried them all and liked the peanut butter best. I ate them for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner when we were working extra late. I left KW and haven't had them since. It is like going back in time, to a time when I wasn't real happy.
I have been gone from KW for almost 2 years and this morning I had a PB Balance bar for the first time. I survived! I ate it calmly and slowly and not during my "lunch hour".
Now if I could only hear AC/DC "Back in Black" and not get anxious! For my non-Keller friends, there was a time when this was Gary Keller's intro music. Whether you were ready or not, when you heard this song you knew the train had left the station and you had better be ready.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister! There are some words I hear that still make me have a panic attack. Here's to the pursuit of happiness and family!
