
May 08, 2009

Prayer Requests

I think blogs can serve many purposes and I have found many people use them to share their story of heartache. It is a wonderful way to communicate up to date information during a busy and stressful time. It is also a way to ask for prayer requests from people all over the world. I have come across a couple of blogs lately that I can't take my mind or prayers off of and would ask that you read their stories and pray for these babies.

As a new Mom, I am constantly reminded of how precious and fragile life really is. As kids get older and stronger you lose sight of the miracle of life. These families know it all too well and will likely never forget what a blessing a healthy baby is.

I warn you- reading further might break your heart, make you cry, cause you to hug your loved ones a little tighter, and just might even change your life.

This is Aidan and his Mommy. About three weeks ago, Aidan fell through the screen of an open window of his home. He fell three stories and landed on concrete. He has an unknown amount of brain damage at this point and is currently awaiting insurance approval to get him into a rehab center. Depending upon what insurance says, he will go to rehab, stay in ICU or be sent home to be cared for by his parents. Pray that he will be sent to rehab where studies have shown his best chance of recovery lie. Read his story here.

This is Noah. He is five months old and is currently hospitalized with possible brain damage and loss of his vision. He was shaken by his daycare provider. His story hits home as we drop off Abby each day. I know his parents did the same homework we did and trusted his provider as we do. Pray for his full recovery, for people to be educated about Shaken Baby Syndrome because of his story, and for justice for him. His story is here.

This is the fragile little arm of Kayleigh who was born weighing only 1 pound. I have been following her for months through surgery after surgery. She is now 10 months old and was declared brain dead after her last surgery due to a lack of oxygen to the brain. Her parents are keeping her comfortable and fighting to bring her home to a nursery she has never seen so that they can allow her to die at home. In a set of recent pictures of her, she is on a covered boppy just like Abby has with an outfit on that Abby has. It is heartbreaking. Pray that their wish will come true and they will bring her home in whatever form God chooses. Here is her story.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following Kayleigh's story too! It breaks my heart!!!!!!! Blythe asks me every day if there are new pictures of her so we can pray for her. she tells me she is such a sweet baby!
