
May 08, 2009

Tutu Fun

Last night I hosted a tutu making party for some of my girlfriends that have daughters, baby girls, or little girls on the way. We met at Hobby Lobby to buy our supplies and then started tutu-ing. They were super easy and cheap to make! Plus, we were done in under 2 hours!
Here are Juleah and Jessica and their tutus for Baby Madelynn (due in September) and Sydney who is 7. This is Carrie and I sporting our little tutus for Abby Lu and her Baby Addison who will be here in 70 days! Abby Lu's tutu is made for football season in her team's favorite colors! We just need a sparkly Texas Tech onesie to complete the ensemble.Finally, Natalie, Lauren and Amber modeling their beauties for Blythe, Dorothy and Ellie. I love how they all turned out. Everyone's is a little different- colors, ribbons, sparkles, lengths, poof, etc.
I'll try and schedule another night to do this as I know many of you wanted to come and your plans didn't allow it! We'll do it again because I have a million tutu making schemes now- orange and black for Halloween, tutus for presents, a Christmas tutu, etc.
For now, I'll leave you with this priceless image- our baby model Michael sporting a beautiful pink shimmering tutu! He doesn't look too pleased. I can't wait to see what his Daddy thinks!


  1. I had so much fun last night! Thanks for inviting me. I cannot wait to see a picture of Abby in ther Texas Tech tutu!

  2. LOVE it!!!! Michael is adorable and I think Abby and Blythe will look adorable in their matching tutus! Thanks for inviting me. I had a blast!

  3. That sounds like fun!! I wish we were a little closer ...

  4. I'm sure Michael and his family will treasure that picture for many years!

  5. Can you post how you made them?! OMG those are so cute!!!! I totally have to make one in green for Billa now...and maybe one in burnt orange, mwahahaha!

  6. Can I come? I need some tu tus for the studio! HA HA

  7. Can I come? The boys don't need them, but it would be great to have for the studio!! He he
