
June 20, 2009

Cohen's Birthday Party

After having breakfast with my friend Patricia this morning (and taking no pictures!), we drove to New Braunfels for Cohen's 4.5 birthday party. He is one active dude, so it took a little strangling to slow him down and grab a picture! He was high on excitement, sugar and outdoor water fun! We bought him a Wolverine figure, X-Men movie and a large claw he can put on just like Wolverine has. When I brought it home, Marcus thought it was his surprise and was visibly upset when I told him it was Cohen's gift!

With our little fair skinned girl, we spent most of the time under their nice covered patio; however, Abby was still hot. So, I put took her out of her sweet dress and into a onesie. We covered her in sunscreen and let Kyleigh walk through the sprinkler with her. Abby just laughed and Kyleigh was so excited- it was her first time to be allowed to hold Abby while not sitting down. She was a big girl carrying the baby!
Look at how wet she got and how relieved she looks to be cooled off!
Abby also had lots of fun playing with Aunt Tiffany. My sister has spent many years working with children under the age of 5 and can find ways to make Abby laugh. She was "vibrating" her and blowing in her face this afternoon and Abby loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Next time you are in NB, you have to call! It's a 20 minute drive for me. XOXO
