
June 20, 2009

The Next Stage is Quickly Coming...

Friday night Marcus and I put together Abby Lu's highchair after she had gone to bed. I want to get her accustomed to sitting in it with rice so that she enjoys it when we introduce new foods after her 6 month appointment in just a few weeks.

Up until now, she had been eating her cereal in her bumbo chair which works great, but isn't ideal when new foods come into play. I am so excited to enter this next stage when food becomes more fun!

Our highchair was a shower gift from Abby's Grammy. I love that it isn't something new inside our kitchen but fits nicely at our table. She is part of the family now and will eat/play at her seat when we eat (provided we eat before her super early bedtime!).

After much reading and research I have decided to make her baby food. It just makes sense- it is cheaper and healthier and can be done in bulk on Sunday afternoons. I have no doubt canned food will likely be bought on ocassion, but hope to give her a healthy start with fresh fruits and vegetables.

I also made the decision to buy the Beabe Babycook and found it online cheaper and with free shipping! I talked to friends that have the Babycook, read blogs from Mom's who use it and read the Amazon reviews. I know I could do it without it, but Marcus and I decided we are more likely to stick with it if it is convenient. I think if I stayed home with Abby I could do without the convenience factor this possesses and save money, but I just don't want to be using multiple devices and cleaning multiple bowls every Sunday. I applaud you Meg for doing it all without this device!

Look for an orange faced baby on the blog in early July!


  1. I made most of Emmie's baby food as well and it just amazed me how truly simple and easy it is not to mention cheaper! Good luck with it!

  2. I plan on making the baby food also. Any tips will appreciated!!

  3. I made all of Billa's food for several months and it was super duper easy! Here's my one tip, especially since Abby Lu is in day care...go out and actually buy one jar in each flavor of food. This will serve dual purposes: 1) Abby gets a chance to taste the flavor of the food before you go crazy making something and 2) you can reuse the container for the food you make! We discovered through this method that there were certain foods that Billa didn't like and that making meat baby food is really messy and not all that fun. We ended up buying lots of little jars of meat and making all of the fruits and veggies. Check out for ideas on flavor combinations... one of Billa's favorites was plain yogurt mixed with oatmeal and mangoes! Yum! Good luck, making baby food is so much fun and so much better!
