
July 29, 2009

Happy 7 Months Sweet Girl

Abby Lu is 7 months old today. Here are some of her favorites:
  • Flying all over the house in Daddy's arms
  • Her 5 AM bottle :)
  • The book on her exersaucer
  • Peas!
  • Sitting at the table at school
  • Praise Baby DVDs and Yo Gabba Gabba shows
  • Daddy's keyboard
  • Sucking her top lip and twisting her tongue
  • Water- bathtime or swimming pool
  • Baby Einstein aquarium in my car
  • Sitting up
  • Sonic cups and the red straw
  • the remote control
  • her lightswitch

Abby currently eats any of these foods- chicken, beef, peas, avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, banana, and apple. She also has rice cereal. She eats 2 T of rice and 2 T of a veggie each morning at school and at night has 3-4 T of any combination of a meat, veggie or fruit. She also drinks water from a sippy cup with her meals. She has 4 bottles per day and 1/2 of a middle of the night bottle daily. She isn't crawling or scooting yet. She is vocal- saying mamamama or screaming for fun! I wouldn't count her babble as a first word yet. She is wearing 6-12 months clothes and her newborn shoes! She wears a size 3 diaper.

She is the lights of our lives and we are so excited to continue watching her grow! Here is a look back at her birthday months.

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

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