
July 29, 2009

Winter and Summer

It is a hot summer day, but in Abby's mouth it was winter- winter squash that is! I am still making her food and loving it! I took Kelly's advice and buy a package of one item to ensure she likes it before I make it in mass. We do have peas, sweet potatoes, and avocado in the freezer! I can't puree meat. I just can't do it so we buy chicken and beef and it smells like cat food. I hold my nose!So, tonight's squash was well consumed! Last week at HEB I found these and Abby has loved the bananas and now the squash. They are 2/99 cents and come in these plastic pouches instead of jars. They smell amazing- like real food. The ingredients are simple- bananas or squash. Nothing else! They are from Chef Tyler Lawrence as he was wanting to make baby food for his son. I highly recommend them!
Since it is summer, we played in the froggy pool before dinner. She loves water- she plays in it, splashes it, face plants in it and just takes it all in. This pitcher is from bath time and she loves to just stare at the water pouring out and pouring onto her hand. You can really see her brain working in her focus.

I did learn Marcus does not like squash tonight. I have him taste the food before we serve it to her and tonight I just gave him a spoonful on the back porch while they were playing in the pool. He made a nasty face and spit it out- I had no idea he didn't like squash.


  1. I love love the Sprout baby food. Owen always eats homemade baby food when we are at home, but we are going out of town the next two weekends and I stocked up on the Sprout for our road trips. They are super convenient!

  2. I have to admit, pureeing meat was never my favorite either and it was way too hard. And yes, the storebought kind smells like cat food! Sprout hadn't come out when we were doing food, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. Glad to hear Abby is loving her peas...those are still Billa's favorite!
