
July 29, 2009

Scooting with Daddy

I read on a blog recently about a baby Abby's age that was getting close to crawling. It made me wonder if she can crawl yet and I realized, when she is home with us, we don't have her on the floor often to test her skills. She is always being held, flying in the air with Daddy, sitting in the bouncer or bumbo, or playing in the saucer. Tonight we tried it out- her teachers at school recommended we put her boppy under her belly to help her out. She didn't show much interest in scooting. We'll keep trying!While she was on the ground and not looking, Daddy jumped in and started monster kissing her on the ear and neck. Monster kisses are kisses that are super loud and grumbly. She laughs and tries to get away from us. It is fun!

After the kisses were over, she smiled with Daddy for the camera. I love those blue eyes which obviously didn't come from Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. love all the pictures!!!! Happy anniversary and enjoy your kid free weekend!!!!!
