
July 01, 2009

Six Month Well Check

This morning Marcus and I took Abby Lu to see her doctor for her 6 month well check. Marcus and I love her doctor and seeing her confirm that Abby is healthy and ready for new things is super exciting. We try to "forget" about the shots for as long as we can and focus on the fun!

Wait, what did you just say Momma? I have to get shots again.

We had lots of fun waiting for her doctor. Abby discovered that laying on paper is a blast. We went through 2 table lengths of paper! She was kicking it, grabbing it, eating it and playing peek-a-boo with Daddy!
Dr. Speling told us all good things- she is in the right place developmentally and all of her tricks, like sitting up, are appropriate for her age. She also said not to worry about her little feet.
Here are her stats:
Weight- 16 lbs. 10 ounces (50-75%ile)
Ideally, your child will double their birth weight at 6 months and we are 4 ounces over that! Yea Abby! She is a big girl, but healthy. She has gained 1 pound since last time and 2 pounds since her last well check. We also got permission to start solids and will begin those this weekend. She does think we are giving her more than the average in terms of formula, but since we isn't growing unproportionally, she isn't concerned. We hope with solids the night feeding will go away. And, we get to try a sippy/training cup with water. Fun! Abby is going to love that!
Height- 26.5 inches (75%ile)
We were both shocked by how long she is! No wonder she needs all that formula! She has grown over an inch in two months. She can still wear her 3-6 month pajamas with feet. She is just starting to look a lot longer when you hold her up.
Head- 44.5 cm(90-95%ile)
You may not know this about me because I try so hard to hide it, but I have a HUGE head. If I wear a ballcap of Marcus', I have to adjust it 3 notchs. A big head means big brains, right? I think sweet precious Abby got my giant noggin!
Overall, the visit was great and then came the shots! Wow- it is hard to watch. I feel good that it is best for her and is a valuable lesson in sometimes making good decisions for your children will be hard or painful for them to understand. She screamed, cried and turned bright red. Afterward, I held her tight and she fell fast asleep from the sheer exhaustion of the experience. When I dropped her off at school, she seemed back to normal and was enjoying her bottle.
We thank God every night for our healthy and happy baby.


  1. she weighs more than Michael. He lost weight from the stomach bug!

  2. I hear you...shots are the worst thing!

  3. Hooray for such a happy healthy baby! (minus the shots, of course!)
