
July 02, 2009

Stop Holding Me Back, Momma!

So, the peditrician yesterday said we could start Abby on a training cup with her water. Last night I was reading about the options- handles or no handle, how many holes on top, etc. Marcus looked at our collection of cups and we thought this Texas Tech cup (purchased in Lubbock last year) was a good starter. It doesn't spill easily and doesn't have the extra hole to make the liquid flow out easier. It also has a hole in the middle making it easier to grab.

So this morning, while getting ready, I sat Abby in her bumbo in the bathroom and gave her some water. Seriously, what else can she do that we don't know about? She grabbed the cup, put the spout in her mouth and turned it upside down. I was shocked. I expected her to look at it, put the bottom in her mouth, throw it, etc. That big head is filled with big brains. Look for her to walk next week :)