
August 25, 2009

Abby's 7 month Photos, part 2

When we had Abby's 7 month photos done it was hot outside and although I love the pictures, she didn't smile in most of them. Our photographer friend Rachel wanted to do another set with Abby in the early morning to try and get some smiles in the cooler weather. I am so glad she did- just look at these smiles and her two pearly whites!
We did these in a grassy patch in her neighborhood behind the limestone entry wall. It was perfect! We packed my childhood rocking chair that I repainted a few years ago for her to sit in. She was having lots of fun trying to rock!

Thank you Andrea for the lovely dress Abby is wearing. I think it was the first "girl" outfit I was given shortly after we found out what we were having. I just love it and am excited she can wear it now. The melon patent leather shoes are so much fun! They are a hand-me-down from Abby's fashion godmother Johnna. I swear they match every outfit she owns.


  1. Delightful pics!

  2. I love the "classic" look of the pictures! that might not be the right word, but I love them!!

  3. I can't believe how fast she is in that dress!!! She is growning so fast.



  4. Awww she is so amazingly beautiful!
