
August 27, 2009

Goin' Bananas!

Look at how happy Abby Lu is! She is smiling, jumping around, and giggling.
What on earth could she see that makes her this happy?

Why bananas of course! Doesn't is look yummy? Don't you want to eat some and smile, jump, and giggle? It smells really good too, I am serious. Just when I think she is full, I can pull out the bananas and suddenly she has more room in her belly! It is magical :)While trying to capture her picture, she turned her head to find where I had put the bananas and I got this shot. You can see how much hair she actually has! It is so blond in photos that she looks bald, but she really does have some hair!


  1. Those are so cute! What a happy baby!

  2. She's a little monkey! Can Grammy say that, with love?
