
September 29, 2009

Happy 9 Months Sweet Girl

Today is my 1/2 birthday and Abby's 9 month birthday! I have loved the past 9 months and am so excited about what the next 9 will bring. Tomorrow is our 9 month appointment and I'll share her stats with you. Tonight, I wanted to share some of Abby's accomplishments, likes and dislikes.
  • We are a big girl and sit up. We do not lay down. We even drink our bottles sitting up unless we are super tired.
  • We pull up occasionally and crawl only when necessary. We can stand if leaning against something and placed in that position by one of us.
  • We love to have our teeth brushed and go to bed with a minimal fight. Abby sleeps from 7 PM - 5:30 AM without waking up. She takes 2 small naps during the day.
  • She just recently learned to give Momma kisses. I have to have her focused on me and make the kissy face and sounds to really get her attention. She'll smile, shake her head no and then fall into me. It is fun to do!
  • She is very flexible and contorts herself to some odd positions- she does the splits, licks her knee and can lay on her back with one arm underneath and across her back.
  • We have 5 teeth and #6 is very close. Luckily, it appears she will fill in the big top gap in little time.
  • She wants Daddy to hold her if given an option. He still flys her around and she still laughs and kicks the whole time, even when sick.
  • She loves to fly in the front yard and touch the leaves on the trees and listen for cars.
  • Abby can play peek-a-boo and knows what a mirror is for.

  • She knows when we are out of her sight and whines. We can talk to her while leaving the room and it seems to help.
  • Abby takes a bottle when she wakes up, a bottle at 7 AM, eats yogurt or oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, veggies and fruit for lunch, Mum Mums for snack, and meat, veggies and fruit for dinner.
  • Her most favorite food is mandarin orange, followed closely by bananas and avocado. The only food she really rejects is peaches. I can feed her 2:1 bananas to peaches and she'll take them.
  • She uses her left hand more than her right.
  • She turns her head to respond to you calling her name.

It is our privledge to watch her grow and shape her world. Thank you God for such a wonderful baby girl!


  1. Aw, such a great post! She's so beautiful and sweet!

    I totally LOVE the leg in the air picture! That's awesome!

  2. I just love to see pics and watch this little miracle baby grow! She's amazing.


  3. love her sweet smile!!!! She is changing so much!!!
