
September 30, 2009

Cleanup on Aisle 6

Nothing wrong with this picture.... just a baby enjoying her bottle in her exersaucer. Look a litte closer.....
Here is the close up for you... thanks goodness I spent $7 and opted for the jumbo tub of Clorox wipes. I striped her down inside the saucer. Marcus gave her a prebath rinsing and then put her in the tub. I proceeded to smear poo in every nook and cranny of the saucer before finally making progress. This will go on her wedding slideshow for sure!


  1. OH man, that looks like a mess!! I don't know if I am ready for all those "explosion" episodes!! hehe

  2. Oh no! Just be thankful it wasn't in the poop out of the tub is no fun at all :o(

  3. That is HYSTERICAL!! We've had our share of explosions and we still have poop in the bathtub incidents but nothing like that...that looks awful!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing and wondering exactly how that happened.

  4. I would have tossed the saucer and gone directly to Target for a new one. Ick...But good call on the wedding slide show!
