
October 01, 2009

Mum Mums

Abby loves her Baby Mum Mums and when her tummy was sick we let her eat more of them than normal. They are bland and don't seem to upset her tummy. I think she eats them in such a nontraditional way....

She put them on the side of her mouth and bites down...

Then, she bends the Mum Mum to break it off. She gums and sucks on the amount in her mouth until she is ready to bite off another piece. When she is down to about the end quarter, she shoves the whole thing into her mouth and sucks it down.


  1. I can't wait to see this little girl soon!! She is a doll!!

  2. I have never heard of Mum Mums...where do yo get them??

  3. Mary Kate- I live in Texas and buy them at HEB, but they are also at Walmart. I'm sure C&H would love biting on them with all their new teeth!
