
September 30, 2009

Abby 9 month well check- a tale of three heads

This is our beautiful blond baby girl playing with the paper at her 9 month well check just before we learned she has a GIANT head!
I don't think it looks large when you are looking at her and she seems to be able to hold it up just fine, but the law of percentiles tells us there are only 3% of people her age with a larger head. Luckily at birth she was in the 50th percentile.
So, after reviewing her chart, Dr. Sperling asked if either of us have a large head. I fessed up- it is me. My head has always been large! I have to loosen a ball cap of Marcus' to wear it. So, she wanted to measure us both to confirm. If neither of us have a giant head, then she wants to do a few more tests just to make sure something isn't wrong with Abby.
So, she pulls out the standard measuring tool and it doesn't fit around my head- nice! Then, she measures Marcus. And, he measures just fine. She is going to look it up at lunch and call us, but I couldn't wait. Here is what the charts says:
Marcus- 5'10" 55 -57 cm head = 3rd- 10th percentile
This equates to a small head for his gender and size
Anna- 5'3" 59 cm head = OFF THE CHARTS!
Um yea, there is a reason I am so smart! 57 cm is the 97th percentile!
Want to know your head size- click here to convert your height to CM and here to compare. To measure your head, use a measuring tape and wrap it around your head about the middle of your forehead. Let me know how you rank!
Abby- 9 months and 46 1/2 cm head = 97th percentile
Wow! Now her feet really need to grow to help her support that big head!
Her other stats were good- weight is 18.9 lbs. which is 50th percentile and length is 28.5 which is 75 percentile.
I asked a few questions and everything confirmed well. We are feeding her the right amount and she is growing as she should. No major changes need to be made.
She also got a flu shot and cried for all of 10 seconds. Brave girl!


  1. James always said I had a big head, and I guess he's right....I'm 90th percentile! I wonder what he is? I'll have to find out.

    Both of my girls are in the 90s as well. Just means our children are super bright! Abbie would tell you that they can't help it..."It's the way God made them."


  2. Both of the girls are in the 97% for head size too. Her head looks normal. We do not want her to foot to grow otherwise her foot will not be my size when she is hip and I will not be able to wear her shoes either.
