
November 13, 2009

I Opened the Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is- my gift to myself for losing 17 pounds!
I believe the last time I weighed this amount was about 3 years ago. My pants fit better, my cute fitted t-shirts fit again and some of my shoes even fit without the snugness they had. It feels so much better than a Round Rock doughnut!
I screamed with glee on the scale this morning and then ran into the living room to call Marcus who was on his way to work that I was opening the box and wearing my new watch today because I had done it!

I love love love my new watch and the reminder it holds that now is the TIME to be healthy! In another month or so, I should celebrate losing 10% of my weight, a major Weight Watchers milestone. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Yay! Congratulations! That's awesome Anna!

    You are right, being fit feels better than even the most yummiest of foods!

    Keep it up!

  2. Congratulations, Anna!

    L-O-V-E the new watch!


  3. Yea!! Glad you hit your first goal! You are so smart to reward yourself like this--seems like a great way to keep on track. Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations! Brian's G-ma follows your blog and asked me this weekend if you opened your box yet, too cute! I am so happy for you... such a great accomplishment. Keep up the great work!
