
November 13, 2009

Parents' Night Out

This evening was our first time to drop Abby off at church and leave! We signed up for Parent's Night Out. For $4, sweet volunteers watched Abby from 6:30 - 9:30 at the church. She did great- didn't cry when we left her and only used the emergency bottle at 9:00 when we were picking her up. Otherwise, a happy baby girl wearing her jammies in church! After dropping her off, we picked up Tiff's Treats cookies and milk and visited our friends Mo and Jessica in the hospital. We are all praying that Baby Trejo stays put for at least another 2 weeks. Then, we tried 2 new restaurants recommended by friends.

We ate dinner at Mama Fu's at Lakeline. It was really good! Marcus loves to eat Asian food and I'm not a big fan. Our friend Holly recommend this place. We tried the beef curry rolls and they were fabulous. Marcus ate a really spicy Thai Basil Noodle Bowl. I took one bite and needed a drink. Woah!

The giant smile on my face comes from the sweet tea in my hand. Asian food with sweet tea- this place was made for us! I had Honey Glazed Chicken with brown rice and snap peas. It was yummy and very filling!

On a side note, I am trying out a floral headband. I bought it in Houston at Ann Taylor Loft and think they look so cute on everyone else. I feel silly in it, but was reassured today by friends and co-workers that it was cute. In this picture, it looks like I have some random black bug in my hair!

After dinner, we went to Yo Go Yogurt Bowl. Love it! It was self serve frozen yogurt charged by the ounce. You pick your bowl and load on the toppings and pay 39 cents per ounce. I tried non-fat PB yogurt with brownies, chocolate chips and Reese's pieces. Marcus had chocolate yogurt with fruit, nuts and brownies. Our total bill was $6.08 and we both were full!

I am so grateful to our church for offering PNO each month so that we can enjoy evenings like this. Next Friday night I had a big surprise for Marcus, but he ruined it tonight so I let him in on the surprise. My Mom is watching Abby so we can drive to Belton for the Casting Crowns concert that Marcus thought I had forgotten about. We both LOVE them and couldn't miss the chance to see them so close to our home.
The last time they were here, we had tickets, but couldn't go since I had just had the IVF procedure done and was home bound. The last time we saw them, we had made the decision to do IVF and the song "Praise You in this Storm" had so much meaning for us. I can't wait to sing with them this time around knowing where we are and what He has done for us.


  1. The headband looks ubercute! And, no, it does NOT look like a giant bug in your hair, LOL!

  2. Can't wait to hear about the concert. I might stow away in your suitcase because I love the Crowns and would LOVE to see them live!

    Peace out,


  3. SO glad you enjoyed Mama Fu's- it's addicting!

  4. The pic holding the drink is what is your facebook profile now. I thought it was a big beer and also thought that was odd... I laughed out loud when I saw it bigger and read that it was Sweet Tea! Should have known better!
