
December 14, 2009

Early Christmas Celebration

Sunday morning we celebrated Christmas with my Dad, stepmom, sister and her family. She will be skiing over Christmas, so we celebrated earlier than normal. It was a gorgeous day and we were able to take some great outdoor pictures and play with our new toys!
Abby is wearing the cutest little Christmas shirt with a reindeer and "Dancer" monogrammed on it. It was a sweet gift from her Great Aunt Iva. This is my sister Tiffany with Shaun, Cohen and Kyleigh. This is a great picture if Cohen had opened his eyes! Little turkey!
We bought Cohen a sit-n-spin with my friend Meg's blog of great deals posted a coupon. We are convinced they aren't made to go as fast as they were. Or, kids these days play too many video games and don't know how to play right :) ha!

Abby was given a set of stacking cups that grabbed her attention immediately. Here she is peeking out the hole in the bottom for Daddy.

Kyleigh helped her open an Abby Cadabby doll from Granpa and Ja-Ja. She took to it and talked to Abby Cadabby all the way home. Her only experience thus far was Elmo's Christmas countdown. I'm glad she likes her since her birthday party is all Abby Cadabby!

Look at how handsome and grown up Cohen is. I swear he was a baby just last month. He is growing his hair out and it was all gelled and spiked and made him look older.
We left Dad's house to attend our Fantasy Football party and then went to my PEO party that evening. We were gone from 10 AM to 7:30 PM and sweet Abigayle did wonderful. She slept in the car from home to Dad's house and then from his house to party #2. They weren't long naps, but I was happy she got some sleep in.
We also packed her new highchair for feeding her lunch and dinner at the other's homes. It worked so well. She is becoming messy!
Don't let her fool you- she looks so innocent here!


  1. Abby is cute cute! I know about that TP on Ebay, but do you think it for real. I you think it is OLD and stinky by now??????

  2. Cohen looks so much like you and your sister! What a handsome little fellow. And I think I'm going to have to do an Elmo party for Sybilla since she is so into him, like Abby's into Abby Cadabby!
