
December 14, 2009

Fun with Food in the Family

We celebrated Christmas with part of my family this weekend and we gave Kyleigh and Cohen these cool straw glasses. Can you tell how silly they thought they were? I would love a pair! They were laughing so hard we had to compose ourselves and focus on sucking to get a good picture! Abby also has a few new tricks- did you know mandarin orange juice is great for your cuticles?

And, using your hands to eat is so last year. She just bends over and picks the food up with her mouth. At some point, this won't be hilarious to Marcus and I.
Finally, when craisins and yogurt melts don't fill you up, try cat food. Apparently is doesn't taste that bad either. Great!
We'll work on manners next month!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my you had me LOL!!!! My little 11 mo. does the same thing with the bending over to eat his food straight off his tray :)
