
January 25, 2010

Dinner in New Braunfels

Saturday night after the party, we went to dinner with my Mom, sister, and Kyleigh and Cohen. Abby seriously loves Kyleigh. It doesn't take her any time to warm up- she goes right to her. She also watches her every move and laughs at her! Abby was even willing to wear a big bow in her hair since Kyleigh put it there. Cohen listened to his headphones and played in the iPod while we waited on dinner. His eyes are so beautiful. I am certain he will bat them for the ladies as soon as he is interested. He has long full eyelashes and green eyes with a rich brown outline. Love him!
Abby found this funny face from Tiffany intriguing. Obviously, it is an inherited skill as Kyleigh could do it without a problem! Funny!

I managed to get no pictures of Mom, but I promise she was there! We shared yummy fajita nachos. It was great to see them for dinner after the party. Abby fell asleep within 5 minutes of us driving away and woke up 12 hours later!

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