
January 24, 2010

McKenna Children's Museum

Abby and I went to McKenna Children's Museum in New Braunfels on Saturday for our friend Georgia and Lilah's party. I got no pictures of the girls- they were all over the place having a blast! Abby also loved it!
It was a princess party with crowns for the girls and swords for the boys. Abby kept poking herself with the crown! The museum is in New Braunfels and I would highly recommend it. Lots of things to do, like smiling at the cut baby in the mirror!
Chatting with friends on the phone...

and watching the butterflies on the wall.

This is my favorite part of the museum- distorted mirrors that took off a few pounds and added a few inches. So, this is what I would look like! Nice! ha!

Happy Birthday Georgia and Lilah! Thanks for inviting us.


  1. I love Abby's outfit, I wish I was that well put together most of the time!

  2. We went on Friday for family day and had the best time. It is so much nicer than Austin's.

  3. Love you soooo much! XOXO, Al

  4. Can I get a mirro like that to follow me around everywhere I go?
