
June 12, 2010

Aha Moment Video

A few weeks ago Marcus and I recorded our Aha Moment for Mutual of Omaha's campaign. We met downtown and recorded our message inside a small trailer on 6th street. We thought about how we wanted to share a message of hope for other couples struggling with infertility. We were "interviewed" by the nicest Mutual of Omaha worker who asked us some really thought provoking questions. She did a great job and after editing, our message was created. Our story has a bigger message about faith and trusting things unseen and at times unfelt. I don't know that that faith-based message really conveyed after all of the edits were placed, but I pray it gives hope to others. We were asked to bring a prop and brought this photo of the blessing we fought to receive.
Before you watch the video, let me just say that I look awful. It is very humbling to share it here and if it were to be chosen as a national commercial, I might just die. The overly awful smile at the beginning was a joke- they asked us to smile really big and I think I overdid it.

Enjoy the video here and remember, I look much better in real life! Of all days to forget to wear blush!


  1. Awesome!! Great Job!! Love that message!

  2. That is so awesome of you to continue to share your story and faith to give hope to other couples struggling! What a great video...and you look great!

  3. Beautiful! You and your message...

    I made me cry...

  4. Courageous & wonderful ? Luv to all.... dad n jac

  5. Very sweet. And you look lovely, Anna!

  6. You guys are amazing and a true living testimony that FAITH in Christ will and did carry you through a rough road! But now Abby Lu is a miracle and a beautiful child of God!!!! We love you guys!!! The video gave me chills!

  7. wow! great message! it made me cry! and you both looked great! love the last statement, 'she has my chin' perfect coming from a daddy! thanks for sharing!
