
June 12, 2010

Honor Our Heroes 5K

Marcus completed the Honor Our Heroes 5K this morning in Cedar Park. We had been looking for an "easy" 5K to complete. Most of them are 30-45 minutes from our home and are downtown with all of the accompanying parking challenges. This one was just a few minutes from the house and started at 9 AM. Perfect! So, Abby and I decided to join him. I knew she'd love the time outside.
Before the race, we had bagels at Einstein Brothers. Abby had a breakfast bar and some Goldfish. This is the face of trouble :) This was a small race which was nice. They started and ended on the football field at a local park area.
And, he's off!

We had a little time to kill while Daddy was running, so we discovered bleachers!

We chilled a little in our stroller looking at all the people.

And, we helped load bottled water into the coolers for the runners.

And then it was time for Daddy to come running in!

He pushed Abby around the track to finish the race. She was not happy- she wanted to be held. We are still working on that one :) Marcus finished the race in about 26 minutes! Way to go!

After the race, Marcus enjoyed the free table massage and Abby enjoyed the free breakfast from Sweetish Hill. Yummo!
It was risky to plan a race in January and could have been super hot. But, it was cloudy and even drizzled on the runners a few times. A perfect morning for racing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Too adorable. I love the picture of Marcus his massage and Abby sitting in front of him. (Also, you wrote January...I think you meant June!)
