
July 31, 2010

Birthday Party for Kaylinn

Look at this little girl with the prettiest eyes- she turned one today and we had fun celebrating with her!
Her Mom is an old (in years, not age) friend of mine and she always throws a great party. You can expect an intricate homemade cake, lots of really good food, and great party decor details. She was inspired to do red and baby blue from an invitation at Target. Everything turned out super cute- I love red and blue together right now!
It took constant supervision and will power to prevent my child from getting to this candy. How does she even know what Starburst are? She pulled at this tablecloth more than once!
After a yummy lunch, the kids all went in the backyard where they had a big blowup water slide! Abby was too little for the slide, but she loved getting wet by the big kids when they landed into the pool at the bottom.
She also had a blast on their backyard swing. I really wish she lived in an older neighborhood where there are established trees for a swing like this. She just lights up when she swings.
We had lots of fun with our friends! The party ended as Abby's normal naptime began, so we rushed out of there as the meltdown was beginning and Abby went straight to bed. While she was napping and Marcus was home, I ran out to get a pedi.

We are celebrating 11 years of marriage today and have dinner reservations, movie reservations and hotel reservations downtown tonight. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you guys came! And, I feel bad about the slide being so was much, much bigger than I expected. I am not sure that the place I rented it from is aware of toddler capabilities...but, the big kids like Matt played in it ALL afternoon and were sad when it was time to come in for dinner! Happy Anniversary!!!
