
August 01, 2010

11th Anniversary Celebration

Marcus and I have made a point to really celebrate our anniversary every year. We are seeing marriages around us fall apart and it makes us hold each other a little tighter. This year we decided to stay in town, but celebrate Austin through a "staycation".
I took on the planning this year and we had reservations at Perry's Downtown. It was by far the best and most expensive meal we've ever had. After salads, Marcus had filet mignon and I had a kobe filet. When I made the reservation, I told them it was our anniversary and they had these rose petals on the table for us.
I had scanned the online menu and knew exactly which dessert we would be ordering. I am always about the dessert in fine dining! We had the Nutty Angelo which is prepared tableside.
It was a scoop of Amy's Mexican Vanilla rolled in toasted almonds and white chocolate set on a plate with dark chocolate. The topping sauce is made tableside with butter, pecans, brown sugar and brandy! Best dessert ever, hands down!
After dinner, we walked back to our downtown hotel room and changed clothes to go to Alamo Drafthouse. We saw Spider-Man at Master Pancake Theater. With MPT, 3 comedians are in the front row with mics giving commentary throughout the movie. They expose movie mistakes, interject their own lines in the movie, and do a little skit. It was hilarious! We've seen MPT a few times before and always loved it.
This morning we slept in and enjoyed breakfast after checking out at Sweetish Hill. It was a nice outdoor leisurely breakfast of pastries and coffee. We left Sweetish Hill by 10 AM and met my Mom and Abby Lu for church.
Happy Anniversary Mr. Jenk!

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