
August 02, 2010

Elephant Video

We've been working hard on animal sounds. When Abby saw our friends stuffed elephant, she jumped on and knew just what an elephant says! It'll come in handy when she sees a live elephant in two weeks...

My job has lots of perks- I am so very blessed! One of the many perks is spending time with hotel and cities selling their services to buyers like myself. In order to get planners to come out and develop a relationship with them, they'll offer up some pretty cool things. In two weeks, we are going to the circus for just such a thing- isn't that a cool idea! We have a suite to stay in which will ease the first time circus fear. I'd hate to get stuck in the middle of the aisle if Abby hates it or gets scared. I can't wait until she sees and hears an elephant live!

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