
September 11, 2010

Goofy Girl

After Abby's nap on Saturday, we had the most fun all together! Having a playset in the backyard is wonderful- we can just hop outside in the morning or after nap and spend just 10 minutes outside then go back out later!
Abby really loves the slide which is funny because at public parks, she has always been about the swings! She likes to sit up top and roll balls down the slide before she slides down. She will not walk up in the fort, she'll only crawl. I don't know if she is afraid of the height or thinks she'll hit her head? It is odd!
We did get her to swing a few times today, but she was saying the whole time, "no wing. Ada swide".
After playing, we enjoyed an afternoon snack of milk and oatmeal raisin cookie on the back porch. This morning she was wearing the cutest outfit and after her nap (she sleeps in just her diaper for naps), she asked for her shoes and bow. When we go outside and it is bright, she'll always say "eyes" and squint. We have sunglasses on hand! Accessories- that is my girl!
We took Abby to the mall later in the afternoon to enjoy her favorite carousel. It is $5 for 3 rides and we ride 3 of 4 weekends per month. The workers know her and today they gave her 3 tickets to ride free next time. She was so polite and said "thank you".

After riding, Marcus and Abby walked toward Macy's where I was grabbing some new lipstick and when she heard the music in Abercrombie and Fitch, she stopped to dance.
Such a little performer. If she has any idea someone is watching her, she will turn it on!
We left the mall in time to grab dinner. Texas Land & Cattle smoked meats smelled so good in the parking lot that we had to have it! We had packed noodles, peas, and grapes ahead of time for Abby so it was easy to have dinner at a non-kid-friendly place.
Marcus taught her a new face! ha!
I showed her this picture of her on the camera shortly after I took it and she was so confused. I guess she didn't know what she looked like making it. She wouldn't do it for us afterward!


  1. How fun to have a swingset in your backyard! I've been moaning to Matt that we need to go ahead and buy so that we can get one for the girls...he doesn't see that as a valid reason. :) I am glad she is ejoying it!

    Smart girl...perhaps Marcus should learn from her on the making faces front...
    Glad y'all had a good weekend!

  2. I re-visited this post and enjoyed it again. Hard to believe it's been 2 years!
