
September 13, 2010

Sweet Smiles and Short Bangs

Marcus played in a golf tournament on Friday afternoon, so I took Abby to school and enjoyed a great afternoon of lunch with a girlfriend, a quick doctor's appointment, and getting my hair done. I love having daycare vacation days!
I picked Abby up and ran to the local kids' salon to get her bangs cut. She would not sit still and as the hairdresser kept trying to get them straight they kept getting shorter and shorter.
Somehow they made her look older! I see the little girl in her coming out. I have mixed feelings- on one hand, I love it. She is becoming a little person that I can talk to. She is starting to say "yes" when I ask her a question and a couple of times I have even received an unsolicited "thank you Momma". We have been working hard on that one! I love that she is beginning to speak in 2 and 3 word phrases. She walks most places and holds your hand.
On the other hand, I'm sad to leave the baby phase. I like to snuggle with her, enjoy her taking long naps and drinking from a sippy cup. She has certain words that she says incorrectly because of her limited letter abilities. For example, she says Ada for Abby, no no more for no more, neelk for milk. I'll be sad when those times are gone.


  1. I think she looks beautiful!!! Next thing you know you'll be going together for pedis!


  2. I hear ya! But, on the snuggling concern, from my experience gets better with age. Lots more snuggling and lots of unsolicited kisses, hugs and I love you Mommy!!

    Love the bangs!
